Home safety (You Must Share This)

A housewife died due to burns sustained in the kitchen. Her husband too was hospitalized for injuries due to burns while trying to rescue his wife.
How it happened -   As usual she was preparing meal for the family right there in her kitchen. The gas cooker was on and cooking in progress. The lady observed some cockroaches near the sink and grabbed a can of insecticide and sprayed it near the gas cooker in attempt to kill the cockroaches. Immediately there was an explosion and in no time the poor woman was covered in flames, sustaining 65% burns. Her husband rushed in, tried to rescue her from the flames and his clothes too caught fire. The husband is still in hospital, in the burns ward, still unaware that his wife was declared dead on arrival.
Lesson to be learn: -   All insect killer sprays such as "Hit", "Mortin" ‘’Baygon’’ etc. are highly volatile and inflammable solvents.  The atomizer name spray particles spread extremely rapidly and one spark is enough to ignite this explosive mixture with oxygen present in air.
 Did the poor lady realize the hazard involved? Apparently not!  
She is not aware and not well informed about the hazard involved in the action she took.
What we should do:
Please educate your family about this and spread the word around.... who knows you may save more than a life!
In addition we should make our kitchen and environment clean and get rid of food remainant and Junks that will attract rodent and insect because they are capable of causing hazard in our homes.
Safety is everyone’s responsibility.
Be informed, take action and be safe.

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