A lady who was a deadly proffessional prostitute, she does prostitution for a living and has a lot of customers around. She knew that no man will never accept her as a wife, so she went to a hospital and told the doctor to remove her womb so that she will no longer be coming for an abortion things, she wants to be doing the buisness without a sign of pregnancy. As the buisness was moving and customers keeps coming, After some years, the word of God came unpon her, someone introduce the word of God to her and immediately, she gave her life to Christ and starts working in the church and becomes dedicated to God. As time goes by, one of the pastor called her and said 'my sister, 'the lord spoke to me that u are my wife, i want to marry you.' the lady smiled and said 'Brother, the lord dint tell u anything or maybe u dint hear him clearly, go back cause am not even planning to marry any man. The man came back and say to her again 'the Lord said that u are my wife'. The lady smiled and narrated her story to him.
The man still insist to marry her until the matter came to the senior pastor. The lady told the senior pastor that she's a prostitute with degree before she repented, the senior pastor says 'forget about old things cause old things are passed away and behold all things are new, the lady included 'i have also removed my womb and i can no longer concive,,,..the­ senior pastor's mouth was shut, he could no longer say old things are passed away and he turned to the young pastor 'did the lord still speak to u? He said 'yes that the lord says she's my wife'. The senior pastor prayed for them. Not too long after some months she became pregnants. The lady and the man went to the hospital were her womb was removed before, the doctor thought she's coming for another business or she has brought another mugu.....but the lady told the doctor that am pregnant and i have come to your hospital to register. The doctor was shocked and say 'u told me to remove your womb, u can no longer have children'.,,,th­e doctor was thinking maybe he didn't do the operation properly,,,,but­ the lady told him it is the GRACE, FAVOUR and MERCY of GOD that she's pregnant....not­ too long the lady gave birth to a child......

IT IS THE GRACE, FAVOUR AND MERCY OF GOD that the prostitute could have a child. This night I decree upon ur life that whatsoever that has or might have damaged in your life, in your body, in your skills, your carrier, your acadamics, your buisiness, MAY THE FAVOUR, MERCY, AND GRACE OF GOD LOCATE U THIS WEEK IN JESUS NAME * AMEN